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Digital Marketing Lab

Digital Marketing Lab

Analyzing and preparing site optimization reports and social networks is one of the requirements of every webmaster, site manager or digital marketer. By having this tool, you can easily understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business on the Internet and you can easily make decisions to develop and improve your performance. In this section, we have tried to collect most of the tools and platforms for analysis and optimization of the site and social networks and provide them to you dear ones.

Site speed analysis tool

Fast website loading is one of the most important items for Google and users. Websites that load faster will definitely get a better position in search engines. Usually, users abandon sites that take more than 3 seconds to load, and this is considered a big risk for a website.

Many things such as: buying low-quality hosting, high-volume images, incorrect coding, not compressing Java files, CSS, not using cache plugins and other things cause excessive slowness of a website. In this section, we have put a number of site speed test and analysis tools for you dear ones.

Duplicate content detection tool

Duplicate content on any site is annoying for all users. Today, users are looking for new and updated articles and news. Duplicate content is not only unacceptable from the users' point of view. Google is also sensitive to such content. From the search engine's point of view, two types of duplicate content are defined: 1- The text of the content is duplicate and copy 2- The URL address of the content is duplicate. Site managers should be very careful about this issue and check these issues continuously. Below we have included some of these important tools for the convenience of webmasters and site administrators.

Site backlink identification tool

When a site links to your site, a backlink has actually been created for your site. Backlinks can be created by image or text. Google makes backlinks an important factor in ranking sites. The more the site that has linked to you has domain capabilities and an optimal position in Google, the more effective it will be in improving your site's rank. Backlinks are divided into two categories: follow backlinks and nofollow backlinks. Links that give credit to your site are Dofollow. By nofollowing the link, the site owners announce to the search engine that no credibility and value from our site will be given to the link owner. To find out exactly the backlinks of your site, use the following tool.

Site uptime tools

The period of time that your site is visible to users is called uptime. As a manager of a store or website, you must regularly monitor your host's uptime. Because it is possible that some aspects of your site are known and at that exact time a large number of your customers will hit the closed door. The site being hacked often causes heavy financial losses. One of the most important risks of the site being down can be the loss of the site's position in Google and the decrease in sales of online stores. Never trust your host. Although he has given you certain obligations. For example, Iran's hosting site, which is several years old, suffered a cyber attack not long ago and destroyed the information of many sites and businesses and continued to work with complete incompetence. Below we have selected a number of online websites for you that will help you in hosting monitoring.