• شبکه تخصصی چاپ، بسته بندی و تبلیغات
  • تلفن: 02188283411

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions of Digital Marketing

Do you have a question to ask?

In this section of the Red Palette site, we have tried to include a large number of questions that have occupied the minds of our users. If you have any questions, please read this section completely. If you did not receive the answer to your question, send us your question through the contact form.

  • Do you have private tutoring?

    Yes. Fortunately, the professor also teaches privately.

  • Is it possible to have an internship in your collection?

    Yes. But it definitely needs prior coordination. Because the capacity is limited

  • How much does SEO cost a site?

    The SEO cost of each site is different from another site. In addition, it depends on many factors. In the palette section of SEO services and optimization, specialized SEO plans are included along with the price.

  • Do you also consult?

    Yes. For more information, select the consultation option at the bottom of the site.

  • What skills should I have to become an SEO?

    You should master almost all content creation tools. Design and graphic software such as Photoshop, editing software such as Premiere, mastery of literature and writing, proficient in working with the Google search engine, working with site analysis tools and social networks: such as Search Console, Google Analytics, JT Metrics, Warnek , Sam Rush and ..., skill in finding keywords, working with SEO plugins like Yoast and many other things mentioned in different sections of the site.

  • Does your collection work as a project?

    Yes. It is possible to do part or the whole of a project.

  • What is the easiest site builder now?

    WordPress. Because it is possible to Persianize its management. This site builder does not need coding in the initial stage. Novice users can easily create different types of sites by completing the introductory WordPress training course.

Contact Us

Do you have any questions?

If you did not find the answer to your question, send it to us through the form below. Our experts will answer you as soon as possible.

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