• شبکه تخصصی چاپ، بسته بندی و تبلیغات
  • تلفن: 02188283411

Software Design

Educational Software

Designing Educational Packages and Software

This category of software is made for professors and lecturers. Professors can earn money by producing content and presenting it under such software. The construction of these software includes the following steps:

Content Production

It includes audio, video, text content or all kinds of executable files. After producing the content through the teacher, it should be mixed and edited through the editor and then placed in the software structure.

Theme Design

The meaning of the format is the platform in which the content is executed and accessible. These templates must be written by the programmer and run through the multimedia output.

Autoran Design

Autoran is the primary graphic space that is visible to the user before execution for easy access to the software space.

Software Lock Design

In order not to release content early and sell more, access to the main content is closed and only users can access the content under the software.

Activation Limit

In this step, codes are defined for the activation of the software, which the user is required to enter in order to install. These serials have the ability to set the number of activations.

Designing Educational Packages and Software
قفل دی وی دی پلیر

DVD Video Player Lock

Hardware Anti-Write Lock

Single User Activation Lock

USB Dongle Lock

قفل محتوای آموزشی آنلاین

Lock Online Content